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A Strong and Independent predictor of ASCVD Events

Lp-PLA2 has been identified as a strong and independent predictor of ASCVD events and CVA (cerebrovascular accident) in individuals with and without manifest ASCVD, as well as in individuals with low LDL-C.

Reference: ENDOCRINE PRACTICE Vol 23 (Suppl 2) April 2017

Are you at risk for Heart Attack or Stroke?

Cholesterol tests alone are not enough to determine your risk!

50% Of all heart attacks occur in individuals with normal cholesterol (LDL) levels.

What is Cardiovascular Disease?

In most adults cholesterol build up in blood vessels has long been known to lead to dangerous clotting and, in some cases, heart attack or stroke. Unfortunately, it’s not easy to know if and where these build ups or plaque are occurring. The amount of LDL Cholesterol (bad cholesterol) in the blood can give an indication, but it only gives a partial picture and many with high cholesterol will never develop heart disease.

Vascular inflammation plays a key role in plaque rupture.

The plaque developed in the walls of the arteries can get inflamed which can lead to plaque rupture and heart attack and stroke. During this inflammatory process your body starts producing higher levels of an enzyme called Lp-PLA2. The i-plaq Test for Lp-PLA2 helps your doctor to determine if you have inflamed plaques and if you are at increased risk for heart attack or stroke.

The i-plaq Test for Lp-PLA2 can determine if you have active cardiovascular inflammatory disease in your arteries.

Inflammation is the body’s natural response to injury or infection. Low levels of inflammation over time may be a sign that your blood vessels are under attack and this can lead to plaque rupture, the most common reason of heart attack and stroke.

What should I do when my i-plaq Test results are elevated?

When you have inflamed plaque you should talk to your doctor how you can reduce your cardiovascular risk and he may recommend:

  • Lifestyle changes, more exercise, healthier diet and stop smoking
  • Reduce your intake of added sugar in processed food
  • Recommend medication
The i-plaq Test for Lp-PLA2 is a modifiable risk factor for cardiovascular disease and tracking the reduction in LDL-C & Lp-PLA2 in response to therapy is a better indicator of future CVD events than the reduction of LDL-C levels alone

What do my i-plaq values mean?

Lp-PLA2 values have the following risk levels: i-plaq Test Value Graphic

Proposed guidance values for the i-plaq test.

Where can I get my i-plaq Test?

Ask your doctor to add the i-plaq Test to your heart attack or stroke risk assessment tests. You can also ask the laboratory if they offer the i-plaq test.

Contact the local distributor of the i-plaq Test for Lp-PLA2 and see if they can recommend a laboratory in your neighborhood who are offering the test.